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Hazelnut Peanut Butter

Product code:- PB:256

Rs.501 - Rs.1000

Cocoa met Hazel in a lovely drizzle. Then came the dates. Almonds and milk made it creamy. Oh, so dreamy!

We use only 5 ingredients in our Spread. No hazelnut essence, no palm oil or emulsifiers, no artificial sweeteners.

You can spread it on bread, top it on a cracker, mix it in a shake, or just have it as is! It’s yummy in all forms.

The sugar in this is only from raw, whole dates that we de-pit ourselves. No added sugar. No fancy sugar substitutes. No artificial sweeteners. Nothing.

The right portion size is 15g. It’s tough to resist just that. But we suggest you do :)

We make our chocolate in-house because commercially available chocolate generally contains highly refined sugar, whereas we don’t add any refined sugar to our chocolate. It still tastes insanely yummy though

Quantity - Hazelnut Spread - Creamy - 200g

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