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Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic Instant Film Camera

Product code:- TECH : 03

Rs.5001 - Rs.10000

The INSTAX Mini 90 Neo Classic combines a premium build quality with a stylish, retro camera design that offers a full range of camera functions.


Automatically detects the brightness of the surrounding and adjusts the amount of flash and shutter speed to optimize photo quality
Double exposure mode 2 images are produced on 1 film sheet by pressing the shutter twice
Bulb mode the shutter remains open while the shutter button is depressed (10 seconds maximum) and a light trail can be photographed
Macro mode short distance photography as close as 30-60cm. Lens: Move in / out type lens, 2 components, 2 elements, f=60mm, F=12.7
Kids mode suitable for photographing kids, pets and other fast moving subjects due to a fast shutter speed

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