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Zero Risque Face Mask

Product code:- FM- 45

Rs.501 - Rs.1000

Heiq Viroblock treated Antimicrobial mask carrier pouch: Allows to carry the mask safely. It ensures that the mask is protected inside the pouch and is not directly exposed

Water repellent & splash resistant: The mask construction & treatment makes it water repellent & splash resistant. Hence ensures that it does not get dirty & soiled even after wearing for long period

Dermatologically tested chemical treatment: Heiq Viroblock NPJ03 is US EPA registered, EU BPR & EU REACH compliant. This ensures that it is safe and harmless to skin & body

Unique Design that is proprietary property of Kamadgiri Fashion Limited: The mask provides utmost comfort to the wearer even after wearing for long duration. Its unique ergonomics allows increased comfort & protection. The combination of mask & headband ensures that there is no discomfort behind ears even after wearing for long duration

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